
Ballot measure aims to maintain highways without raising taxes

By September 10, 2015 No Comments
September 10, 2015
By Stephania Jimenez

CORPUS CHRISTI – Many of you have complained about the condition of our roads, but what if there was a way to improve them without raising taxes?

That’s the idea behind Proposition 7. It will be on the ballot this November. If it passes, it would dedicate a portion of the sales taxes to maintain our roads and bridges and reduce the state’s transportation-related debt. However, the measure wouldn’t do anything about local roads.

State Rep. Joe Pickett (D-El Paso) proposed the measure. He said it won’t raise your taxes.

“There will not be an increase in the registration on your automobile, we are not proposing– won’t be an increase in your gas tax. But, the Corpus Christi area will see anywhere between $40-70 million additional a year, if this passes,” explained Rep. Pickett.

If voters approve Proposition 7, it goes into effect in September of 2017.

Find out more about Proposition 7 here.